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All bulls selling for $4000 or more will be covered 50%
by Stevenson Angus Ranch if they are injured during their
first season and not able to return to service. Season
is defined as: Upon delivery through the 90-day period
following the first turnout of the bulls.
50% of the value of the injured bull, minus salvage
value, will be given as credit in a future sale or toward
a replacement bull if one is available. All injured bulls
must be diagnosed by a veterinarian. Please notify us
as soon as possible should injury occur and prior to the
injured bull being sold for salvage. All claims must be
made by September 1, 2012.
Example 1:
A $5,000 bull is injured, a credit of $2,500 minus
any salvage value will be given to the buyer.
Example 2:
A $4,000 bull is injured, a credit of $2,000 minus
any salvage value will be given to the buyer.
Example 3:
A $3,750 bull is injured, no credit is given. Buyer
retains all salvage value.
Calving Ease Rating (CE)
Excellent calving ease, use with confidence
on any type of heifers.
Superior calving ease, should work with most
heifers and most situations.
Moderate calving ease, most people will use these
bulls on cows, but they can be used on heifers if
calving ease is of less concern.
We recommend these bulls just for use on cows.
Bull Lot Information
Birth (BW) EPD
is a predictor of progeny birth weight
attributed to the parent.
Weaning (WW)
Yearling (YW) EPDS
are predictors
of the animal’s ability to transmit weaning growth and
yearling growth to its progeny.
Milk EPD
is a predictor of an animal’s genetic merit for
milk and mothering ability.
Marb EPD
Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction
of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny
compared to progeny of other sires.
Ribeye Area EPD (RE), expressed in square inches,
is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s
progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
PAP Scores
Scores were taken March 26 by Dr. Tim Holt
at 7250’ elevation.
This catalog is proudly
produced in Montana and
printed on American made paper.
Bull Development
Bulls were all raised and developed at our headquarter ranches
in Montana. They were performance tested with yearling
weights and ultrasound data taken in January. They were
then shipped to Laramie mid-February to be wintered on a
maintenance ration. After six weeks at that elevation, Dr. Tim
Holt felt confident in an accurate PAP test which was taken
March 26.
Sale Order
To be announced April 11.
EPDs are current as of printing. Updated EPDs can
be viewed at www.Angus.org
406/ 538-7988
Lewistown, MT